
28 OCT

CAMM attend the 2nd workshop on optimization in Korea

The Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems (CAMM) participated in the 2nd workshop on optimization on 21st - 23rd October .

Electrotechnology Construction and mechanics
Photo: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
27 MAY

DTU Roadrunners rise from the ashes to set new world record

In spite of a burned-out engine compartment two days before race start, DTU Roadrunners managed to set a new world record in fuel efficiency at the recent Shell Eco-marathon...

Construction and mechanics Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology Electronics Fossil fuels Energy efficiency Energy production
FOTO: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
26 MAY

DTU Roadrunners rejser sig fra asken og sætter ny verdensrekord

På trods af et udbrændt motorrum to dage før løbsstart lykkedes det DTU Roadrunners at sætte ny verdensrekord i at køre længst på literen ved det netop overståede Shell...

Construction and mechanics Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology Electronics Fossil fuels Energy efficiency Energy production
Foto: Privat
26 MAR

Maritimt samarbejde skal skabe renere skibsfart

Med en ny samarbejdsaftale kan partnerskabet Blue INNOShip gå i gang med at skabe en renere skibsfart.

Ships and offshore constructions Engineering Construction and mechanics Electrotechnology Chemistry Chemical engineering
Blue INNOShip
04 MAR

Maritimt samarbejde går i gang med 14 projekter

Med en ny samarbejdsaftale kan partnerskabet Blue INNOShip gå i gang med at skabe en renere skibsfart.

Ships and offshore constructions Engineering Construction and mechanics Electrotechnology Chemistry Chemical engineering
Photo: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
02 MAR

EliteForsk scholarships awarded to researcher talents

Three PhD students from DTU were presented with travel scholarships at the annual EliteForsk Conference. The conference also celebrated the other prize winners from the...

Mathematical analysis Construction materials Bridge constructions Fuel cells
Foto: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
27 FEB

EliteForsk-stipendier uddelt til forskertalenter

Tre ph.d.-studerende fra DTU fik overrakt rejsestipendiater ved den årlige Eliteforsk Konference. Konferencen fejrede desuden de øvrige prismodtagere fra Sapere Aude-programmet...

Mathematical analysis Construction materials Bridge constructions Fuel cells
03 NOV

CAMM Centre appoints Associate Professor Vicente Cutanda Henríquez

Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems (CAMM) appoints Associate Professor Vicente Cutanda Henríquez 

Electrotechnology Construction and mechanics
03 NOV

CAMM Centre employs Associate Professor Niels Aage

Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems (CAMM) appoints Associate Professor Niels Aage.

Electrotechnology Construction and mechanics
03 NOV

CAMM Centre employs Senior Researcher

Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems (CAMM) appoints Senior Researcher Aminul Islam.  

Electrotechnology Construction and mechanics
Underwater Robots - Article about AUT and Center for Playware in the engineering paper "Ingeniøren"
11 SEP

Underwater Robots - Article about AUT and Center for Playware in the engineering...

The Danish engineering newspaper ”Ingeniøren” features a story about AUT and Center for Playware’s work on autonomous collaborative swarms of underwater modular robots

Marine research Electrotechnology Construction and mechanics
18 JUN

InnovationsFonden giver 14 millioner kr. til nyt projekt

Etableringen af Danmarks InnovationsFond er den største reform af det danske forsknings- og innovationssystem i de seneste to årtier. Danmarks InnovationsFond er etableret...

Electrotechnology Energy Environment and pollution Medicine and medico technology Wind energy Construction and mechanics Innovation and product development IT systems
14 JUN

InnovationsFonden grants DKK14 mio for new project

InnovationsFonden was established as of 1 April 2014 by bringing together research, technology development and innovation grants from the Danish Council of Strategic...

Electrotechnology Energy Environment and pollution Medicine and medico technology Wind energy Construction and mechanics IT systems Innovation and product development
Foto: Søren Svendsen
20 MAY

DTU wins European Championship in green driving

DTU Roadrunners took first place in the Shell Eco Marathon on Sunday afternoon with their bioethanol-powered car called Dynamo, covering an impressive 599 km on the equivalent...

Construction and mechanics Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology Electronics Energy Energy efficiency Fossil fuels Energy production Climate change
Foto: Søren Svendsen
19 MAY

DTU vinder EM i grøn bilkørsel

DTU Roadrunners løb søndag eftermiddag af med en flot førsteplads i Shell Eco Marathon. Bioethanol-bilen Dynamo, bygget af DTU-studerende, kørte 599 km på det, der svarer...

Construction and mechanics Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology Electronics Energy Energy efficiency Fossil fuels Energy production Climate change
Invitation til RoboCup 2014
02 APR

Invitation til RoboCup 2014

Vi byder dig velkommen til RoboCup 2014 den 10. april på DTU i Lyngby kl. 11:00.  I år vil konkurrencen blive afholdt i DTU's bibliotek, Bygning 101D, Anker Engelundsvej...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Engineering
Invitation to RoboCup 2014
11 MAR

Invitation to RoboCup 2014

We welcome you to join us for RoboCup 2014 at DTU in Lyngby on the 10th of April at 11:00 AM.  This year it will be held in DTU's main Library in building 101D, Anker...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Construction and mechanics
DTU and three hearing aid companies start new research center
31 JAN

DTU and three hearing aid companies start new research center

DTU and three hearing aid companies start new research center.

Electrotechnology Construction and mechanics
Photo: Widex
03 JAN

DTU and three hearing aids businesses set up new research centre

DTU, Oticon, Widex and GN Resound open a new research centre on 1 January 2014. The centre is named CAMM—Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems—and will focus on...

Sound Mapping and surveying Construction and mechanics Hearing aids
Benforankret høreapparat baseret på bl.a. vibrationer og akustik, noget som der bl.a. skal forskes i på det nye center, CAMM. Foto: Widex
19 DEC

DTU og tre høreapparatvirksomheder opretter nyt forskningscenter

DTU, Oticon, Widex og GN Resound åbner nyt forskningscenter 1. januar 2014. Centret, der hedder CAMM – Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems – har fokus på samspillet...

Sound Mapping and surveying Construction and mechanics Hearing aids
Dynamo 9.0's motor
10 OCT

Se økobilen til Kulturnatten

Fredag d. 11. oktober deltager DTU Roadrunners med økobilen fra DTU Mekanik i Kulturnatten. Økobilen Dynamo 9.0 kører på det CO2 neutrale brændstof ethanol og har verdensrekorden...

Engineering Combustion engines Construction and mechanics
02 JUL

Unge internationale forskere kommer til DTU

10 højt kvalificerede unge forskere får nu mulighed for at videreføre deres karrierer gennem et stipendium fra DTU's internationale H.C. Ørsted-postdoc-program.

Marine research Construction and mechanics Electrotechnology
20 MAR

Robotter konkurrerer om hæder og penge på DTU

27 robotter dyster den 20.-22. marts om at blive vinder af DTU RoboCup 2012.

Construction and mechanics
06 FEB

Iværksætterhåb: Fremtidens biler kører på brændselsceller

DTU-studerende Kristian Lindberg-Poulsen har netop fundet førstepremieren i den landsdækkende iværksætterkonkurrence Venture Cup i kategorien ’Cleantech & Environment...

CO2 separation and CO2 storage Combustion engines Transport models

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24 APRIL 2024