
Foto: Søren Svendsen
20 MAY

DTU wins European Championship in green driving

DTU Roadrunners took first place in the Shell Eco Marathon on Sunday afternoon with their bioethanol-powered car called Dynamo, covering an impressive 599 km on the equivalent...

Construction and mechanics Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology Electronics Energy Energy efficiency Fossil fuels Energy production Climate change
Foto: Søren Svendsen
19 MAY

DTU vinder EM i grøn bilkørsel

DTU Roadrunners løb søndag eftermiddag af med en flot førsteplads i Shell Eco Marathon. Bioethanol-bilen Dynamo, bygget af DTU-studerende, kørte 599 km på det, der svarer...

Construction and mechanics Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology Electronics Energy Energy efficiency Fossil fuels Energy production Climate change
11 OCT

Dansk smart-grid-projekt i top 10

EcoGrid EU på Bornholm er udpeget til at være blandt de ti vigtigste bæredygtige projekter i verden.

Electrotechnology Electricity supply Climate change Energy systems Electronics

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