Distributed Energy Resources

Research group leaderChresten Træholt

Our Distributed Energy Resources group focuses on grid integration of distributed flexible demand, generation and energy storage, with focus on e-mobility, solar PV, wind power, demand response and energy conversion (P2X) including the aspects of user behavior.

The area covers distributed energy resources technologies addressing in particular their properties, their local coordination, their grid integration and their services provided to the electric power system. 

  • This area covers storage technologies, generation units and demand and their services delivered to the system. It also covers associated controllers on device level as well as within VPP’s and fleet management systems and grid connection of these units.

  • The area handles for example electric vehicles, WT, PV-systems, CHP and intelligent buildings including their associated innovative controllers. Integration with other energy systems is part of this.

  • The area is based on an expertise in the involved energy technologies, power engineering, control and optimization theory. The area requires insight into processes to a level which enables characterisation and modelling of their system properties including grid connection, operational limits, lifetime issues etc. and which enable proper design of their control.

  • The research has important interfaces with many of the other groups including research within energy system operation and management and electric power components.

Group members:

Name Title Unit Ph. E-mail
Cenxi Li Cenxi LiResearch AssistantDTU Wind cenli@dtu.dk
Chao Liu Chao LiuPostdocDTU Wind +45 50 16 44 12chali@dtu.dk
Aneesh Chandra Nunna Aneesh Chandra NunnaPhD studentDTU Wind +45 93 59 68 22anecha@dtu.dk
Marianne Petersen Marianne Petersen Industrial PhD Siemens GamesaDTU Wind mariper@dtu.dk
Jonathan Riofrio Trujillo Jonathan Riofrio TrujilloPhD studentDTU Wind +45 52 65 09 60aurio@dtu.dk
Chresten Træholt Chresten TræholtAssociate Professor, Head of SectionDTU Wind +45 45 25 35 18ctra@dtu.dk
Marta Victoria Marta VictoriaAssociate ProfessorDTU Wind mvipe@dtu.dk
Shi You Shi YouSenior ResearcherDTU Wind +45 61 39 62 66shyo@dtu.dk
Chunyang Zhao Chunyang ZhaoPostdocDTU Wind chuzh@dtu.dk
Yi Zong Yi ZongSenior ResearcherDTU Wind +45 46 77 50 45yizo@dtu.dk