Solutions of optimized design and dimensioning of transmission systems and components

Af: Jakob Glarbo Møller
Systems for transmission of electric power undergo an increase in complexity. This is both with respect to the components that comprise the systems and the environments in which they operate. This project will provide means of managing the increasing complexity from a system planning perspective using reliability oriented design. The intent is to allow power system planners to perform a better assessment of the risks associated with deployment of many of the new technologies that are offered in the industry. Particularly the approach will be applied to qualification of technologies such as dynamic line rating, condition based maintenance and wide-area monitoring of system stability in real time. 

The project is financed by Energinet - owner of the Danish power transmission system.

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A Memory-Efficient Parallelizable Method for Computation of Thévenin Equivalents used in Real-Time Stability Assessment

Jørgensen, Christina Hildebrandt Lüthje ; Møller, Jakob Glarbo ; Sommer, Stefan ; Jóhannsson, Hjörtur
in: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol: 34, issue: 4, pages: 2675-2684

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2019     |    DOI:


Super-Positioning of Voltage Sources for Fast Assessment of Wide-Area Thévenin Equivalents

Møller, Jakob Glarbo ; Jóhannsson, Hjörtur ; Østergaard, Jacob
in: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol: 8, issue: 3, pages: 1488-1493

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2017     |    DOI:


Policies and Initiatives for Carbon Neutrality in Nordic

Wu, Qiuwei ; Møller, Jakob Glarbo ; Østergaard, Jacob ; Nielsen, Arne Hejde
in: Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, vol: 7, pages: 1745-1753

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2013