
In September 2004, Energinet.dk (then Eltra) signed an agreement with DTU about financially supporting the opening of a new centre called Centre for Electric Technology (CET). The purpose of the centre was to strengthen and broaden research and education in the electric technology field. In February 2005, the centre was inaugurated.

On the centre’s 3rd birthday celebration, in 2008, two additional partnerships entered the agreement as Dong Energy and Siemens Wind Power joined the establishment.

In 2012, CET merged with the research programme Intelligent Energy Systems (IES), which was part of the former national laboratory for Sustainable Energy at Risø DTU - and Center for Electric Power and Energy (CEE) was established.

As a result of CEE's growth, an expansion of laboratory facilities under the name of PowerLabDK is initiated in 2013. PowerLabDK is finally established in 2016 as an experimental platform for electric power and energy research. The platform operates in close collaboration with leading stakeholders from the energy industry and holds unique testing and demonstration facilities at four different locations across Denmark.


CEE seminar 11th and 12th September 2012 at Kobæk Strand