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From left Christian Thorseth Blach, Søren Helstrup Kvist and Nikolaj Kammersgaard (Photo: Henrik Frydkjær)
26 OCT

Antenna Specialist receives 'Elektroprisen 2015'

This year a former DTU Elektro PhD student and two MSc students received prizes when the Elektrofondet celebrated its 50th anniversary and distributed the 'Elektroprisen...

Electrotechnology and automation Antennas Electromagnetism Hearing aids
Photo: Joachim Rode
14 MAY

Collaboration strengthens hearing research

In March, Professor Torsten Dau received Brinch’s honorary award for his hearing research at the highest international level. His is currently engaged in giving DTU’s research...

Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
DTU's prorektor overrækker Brinchs legat til professor Torsten Dau, DTU Elektro. Foto: Katrine Krogh-Jeppesen
13 MAR

Hæderspris til høreforsker

Professor Torsten Dau fik Brinchs legat som en anerkendelse af, at hans forskning inden for hørelse er på højeste internationale niveau.

Sound Electrotechnology and automation Hearing aids Medical equipment and systems
Photo: Widex
03 JAN

DTU and three hearing aids businesses set up new research centre

DTU, Oticon, Widex and GN Resound open a new research centre on 1 January 2014. The centre is named CAMM—Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems—and will focus on...

Sound Mapping and surveying Construction and mechanics Hearing aids
Benforankret høreapparat baseret på bl.a. vibrationer og akustik, noget som der bl.a. skal forskes i på det nye center, CAMM. Foto: Widex
19 DEC

DTU og tre høreapparatvirksomheder opretter nyt forskningscenter

DTU, Oticon, Widex og GN Resound åbner nyt forskningscenter 1. januar 2014. Centret, der hedder CAMM – Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems – har fokus på samspillet...

Sound Mapping and surveying Construction and mechanics Hearing aids

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7 MAY 2024