Four talks on recent power and energy technology development in China

With the support of the two Sino-Danish projects EPIMES and CESMES in which CEE is partner, there will be given 4 talks by our industrial and academic partners from China.

The four talks cover a broad aspect of recent power/energy technology development in China, including the industrial view of internet of things, the new trend towards energy distribution network, the power conversion technologies for SOFC and active power quality.

The talks are free to attend and you just show up.


9:30-10:00 Talk 1: Clean Energy Strategy of National Energy Group of China: An Industrial IoT driven Smart Energy Eco-system based on Carbon Neutrality ( Dr. George You Zhou, NICE)

Abstract: The evolution of Information Technology (IT) to Internet of Things (OT) has shown that an information network can be connected in an autonomous way via routers from operating system (OS) based computers and devices to build a highly intelligent eco-system. Conceptually, we are applying the same methodology to the Internet of Energy (IoE) concept so that Energy Operating System (EOS) based assets and devices can be developed into a distributed energy network via energy gateway and self-organized into a smart energy eco-system with hydrogen as the key coupling between energy flow and material flow for carbon neutrality.

NICE, as the innovation engine of National Energy Group, is proactively advocating the clean energy strategy which adopts Industrial IoT based methodology for hydrogen based multi-energy system design to integration clean fossil energy with renewable energy into one closed carbon cycling based smart energy eco-system.

About the Speaker:

Dr. George You Zhou obtained his Master and Bachelor degree from Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University of China in 1998 and 1995, respectively. He obtained his Ph.D degree from Ryerson University of Canada in 2001.

From 2000 ~ 2013, Dr. George You Zhou was with Honeywell Aerospace, Toronto, Canada, majorly responsible for energy system research, development and design for various aircraft platforms including Boeing 787, Lockheed Martin F35, Airbus A380 & A350. He had extensive experience in system control theory & modeling and related hardware & software design, system integration, testing and certification. He has won many awards in Honeywell including Outstanding Engineer Award & Technical Achievement Award.

In 2013, He joined National Institute of Clean and Low Carbon Energy (NICE) at Beijing, China, as the member of 1000pp program initiated by Chinese central government. He started as a principal scientist and from 2015, he was assigned as senior manager for energy intelligence system group, majorly responsible for R&D in smart  energy system design, control and integration. He is winner of Company Best Employee in 2015 and winner of Best Innovation Award in 2016. He has sixty patents and related publications.

10:00-10:30 Talk 2: Toward Energy Distribution Network in Renewable Dominated Energy Systems  (Dr. Jin Lin, Tsinghua University)

Abstract: Human society has been rapidly heading to a new era dominated by renewable energy. Flexibilities from energy consumption side has been a must in response to the uncertainties dominated renewable electric system. A new trend to pave the road is towards energy distribution network (EDN) in capable of flexible energy consumption and active energy distribution. This speech covers the latest breakthroughs about EVs integration, industrial micro gird, active distribution network and P2G technologies. And an overview of EDN based on multi energy system is introduced at last to illustrate the bright outlook of fully renewable energy system appearing in the very near future.

About the Speaker:  Dr. Jin Lin obtained his Ph. D and Bachelor degree from Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University in 2012 and 2007 respectively. He was a Post Ph. D research fellow from 2012 to 2014 in the same department. He was honored as Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award and Distinguished Post Ph. D by Tsinghua in 2014. IEEE Member, CSEE Member. He was a visiting researcher in Risoe Sustainable Energy Laboratory, Denmark and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US from 2009 to 2011. He has been granted by several National Scientific Foundation Council and grants from Ministry of Science and Technology. Currently his main research interests are on renewable energy integration and control, distributed energy integration and control, power system control and optimization.

10:30-11:00 Talk 3: Power Conversion System for Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Application (Dr. Wei Feng, Tsinghua University)

Abstract: For operation of parallel-operated PWM rectifier: The generation mechanism of circulating current is analyzed, and a new suppression method is proposed to suppress circulating current. For conversion system to connect SOEC/SOFC stacks: A new multi-port bidirectional structure is proposed, which realize the flexible control of each SOEC/SOFC stack. For power quality improving strategy: An active grid-connecting current power quality improving control strategy and an active PCC voltage harmonic compensation strategy is proposed based on droop controlled grid-connected microgrid.

About the Speaker: Dr. Wei Feng received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Automation from the Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, in 2006 and 2008, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in power electronics and motor drive from the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, in 2014. He is currently a Post-Doc in Tsinghua University, China. His research interests include control of paralleled inverters for renewable generation systems, power quality improvement and energy management system for microgrids.

11:00-11:30 Talk 4: Active Power Quality & Premium Power (Prof. Xianyong Xiao, Sichuan University)

Abstract: Previous power quality studies mainly focused on the detection, estimation and suppression of power quality disturbances. Those can be summarized as passive power quality. Based on the thorough and comprehensive analysis of power quality data, the data of disturbance can be used to solve more problems in power system. This can be described as active power quality.

About the Speaker: Prof. Xianyong Xiao is from Sichuan University, China.  He is Dean of the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology College; Deputy Director of Smart Grid Key Lab. & Power Quality Key Lab in Sichuan Province, China. Prof. Xiao was selected as the vice chairman of IEEE China Council of Superconductivity Chapter in 2016. His current research interests include uncertainty measure theory and their application in the power system; power quality, especially voltage sag and equipment sag immunity; intelligent power supply system and premium power park; superconductivity applied to power system. He has published five books and more than one hundred technical papers in international and domestic journals & conferences. 


Mon 27 Nov 17
9:30 - 11:30


DTU, Building 101, S04, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
5 MARCH 2025