Inaugural Lecture and reception / Vassilios Georgios Agelidis

Inaugural Lecture

Vassilios Georgios Agelidis was recently started working as professor in Power Components for Distributed Energy systems with the department of Electrical Engineering, DTU.

We would therefore like to invite all interested parties to his inaugural lecture:

"Affordable, Reliable and Sustainable Energy Systems for a Digital Society"

The ever increasing urgency to decarbonise the electricity grids worldwide necessitates adoption of energy solutions that are environmentally friendly, without compromising security, availability and reliability of supply and at an affordable cost for all. Integrating sustainable energy generation at large scale such as wind and solar photovoltaic systems with electricity grids requires a paradigm shift in thinking due to the nature and complementarity of the resources.

The continuous evolution of the loads being transformed to electronic ones and the electrification of transportation present new challenges for system integration. In a digital society, where information, connectivity and machine intelligence prevail, everything is challenged including the way electricity is generated, traded, exchanged and utilized and everyone’s role is redefined.

In the lecture Vassilios will discuss the innovative framework required to deliver digital society's expectations for the technologies of the future energy systems

The lecture will be held Thursday 9 March 2017 at 3pm
Building 101A, meeting room 1
Anker Engelundsvej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Inaugural Reception

The reception will take place shortly after the lecture, approximately around 3.45pm.

Vassilios Agelidis


Thu 09 Mar 17


Building 101A

Meeting Room 1

DTU Lyngby Campus

Anker Egelundsvej 1

2800 Kgs. Lyngby
15 DECEMBER 2024