Course: Planning of smart distribution grids

Distribution grids for electrical energy are facing numerous new requirements and challenges caused by increased amount of installations of distributed generation as well as new loads. 

The first objective, which will be dealt with on the first day of the course, is to understand the impact of new Smart Grid technologies and Smart Market activities on distribution grid planning and to learn how to model these devices/activities in the planning process.

The second objective (day two) is to learn about modern planning tools that consider the new challenges of distribution grid planning. The third objective of this course (day three) is to understand how planning of new grids should be combined with asset management to gain mutual benefits from the investments in new grid infrastructure.

The course will be held in Dortmund, Germany and is coordinated by EES-UETP is an Association of Universities and Enterprises for the training in the field of Electric Energy Systems. EES-UETP has 23 partners (4 enterprises and 19 universities) in 12 European countries. The main objectives of EES-UETP are among others to to join utilities practice and universities experience to create more advanced and realistic planning and operation procedures and to obtain better and direct information about research and development in Europe in the area of Electric Energy System.

Center for Electric Power and Energy at DTU Electrical Engineering is the Danish member of EES-UETP.

Read more about the course.


Wed 21 Sep 16 9:00 -
Fri 23 Sep 16 16:00


f+e office block
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 20
44227 Dortmund
14 DECEMBER 2024