CEE Power Event - Exploiting the synergies between electric vehicles and solar power for a cost-effective integration

In connection with Sergejus Martinenas PhD defence (Enabling Technologies for Smart Grid Integration and Integration of Electrical Vehicles), the internationally recognized academics Professor Ghanim Alesha Putrus, Northumbria University, UK and Professor Vassilios Georgios Agelidis, DTU, Denmark will visit CEE-DTU Risø Campus and give talks on selected topics.


10:00 Welcome
Associate Professor Mattia Marinelli, DTU, Denmark

10:05 Electric Vehicles to Support the Smart Grid: Challenges and Opportunities
Professor Ghanim Alesha Putrus, Northumbria University, UK

11:00 Recent Research Contributions in the Area of System Integration of Large-Scale Solar Farms with the Electricity Grids
Professor Vassilios Georgios Agelidis, DTU, Denmark

11:55 Final discussion

The event is open for everyone, but please send an email to Anne Due (atdue@elektro.dtu.dk) so we will know how many will attend the event.

Biography and topics

Professor Ghanim Alesha Putrus, Ph.D.
Ghanim Putrus is Professor of Electrical Power Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University, UK. He has over 25 years of research experience with over 150 publications, including one patent, and has given several invited talks at national and international events.
He has been involved in several research projects and has often provided consultancy for industry. He is involved in the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) professional activities and served on the executive committee of their Power Trading and Control Professional Network (2001-2009) and chairman of the IET Northumbria branch for 2004/2005 session. He is Associate Editor of the Elsevier Renewable Energy journal. He organised UPEC 2006 conference and is member of the steering committees for several international conferences. His main research interests are application of power electronics in power systems, power quality, integration of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles into power distribution networks (smart grids).

Electric Vehicles to Support the Smart Grid: Challenges and Opportunities
The market for battery powered electric vehicles (EV) is expected to continue to grow with advances in battery technology and the increased concern about the environment. Due to their high energy capacity and mass deployment, EVs will have significant impact on the way energy is used in the future, in particular on the electrical power supply. Whilst EVs present challenges, they also provide opportunities for power grids and EV owner/user, e.g. using the battery as a controlled load or storage to support the grid or meet local energy demand. However, battery performance and its lifetime depend not only on its chemistry but also on the way it is used, particularly during charging and discharging. Therefore, such opportunities may be hindered by anxiety about their effects on battery lifetime.
This talk will give an overview of recent development in power grids and EV charging requirements that present challenges and opportunities to EV users, manufacturers and grid control. It will present the concept of smart grid and its role in meeting EV user requirements, extend battery lifetime, support the grid, charge from renewable energy sources and ultimately reducing the total cost of ownership of EVs.

Professor Vassilios Georgios Agelidis, Ph.D.
Vassilios G. Agelidis was born in Serres, Greece. He received the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Democritus University of Thrace, Greece, in 1988, the M.S. degree in applied science from Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia, in 1997. He was with Curtin University (1993–1999), the University of Glasgow, U.K. (2000−2004), Murdoch University, Perth (2005–2006), the University of Sydney, Australia (2007–2010), and the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia (2010-2016). He joined the Centre for Electrical Power and Energy, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in October 2016 as Professor.
Professor Agelidis is a Fellow of the IEEE (USA) with the citation: for contributions to power electronics, renewable energy conversion and integration with electricity grids (Class of 2016). He is also a Fellow of the IET (UK). He is also a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Power Electronics Society (2017-2018). He had a Visiting Research Professorship with Beijing Jiaotong University, China under the High-End Experts program of the Chinese Government (2012-2017).

Recent Research Contributions in the Area of System Integration of Large-Scale Solar Farms with the Electricity Grids
Large-scale solar photovoltaic farms require new ways of thinking when it comes to their integration with the electricity grids. The seminar will discuss recent research output related to such important technologies highlighting the requirements for system integration, farm architecture, power electronics technologies, forecasting of solar farm output, and the need for energy storage integration to deliver semi-despatched generation with the Australian Electricity market. The research was the result of the largest ever one-off investment of the Australian Federal Government in a University research program and infrastructure building, known as the Solar Flagships Research.




Tue 16 Jan 18
10:00 - 12:30



DTU Risø Campus- Building 112 , Niels Bohr Auditorium, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde
27 JULY 2024