Smart Grid in Residential Buildings

Invitation to iPower Conference

Consortium Meeting, 13-14 May 2014 at AAU Copenhagen

Registration - please se below

This years’ Consortium Meeting focuses on research and development of Smart Grid in Residential Buildings. The consortium is delighted to present some results from our experimental setups at the Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup and Grundfos’ experimental house in Bjerringbro. These experimental setups were planned when iPower started in 2010. Has the requirements for energy flexibility changed since then? We have invited Niels Træholt from to give us an overview of the development in the society’s expectations 2010-2014.

The conference will also touch upon standards for residential smart grid. Founded in the European MIRABEL project, Aalborg University and TNO has developed methods and standards for grouping blocks of flexible consumption into larger, more valuable, chunks of flexibility. Also, the Open ADR standard will be presented by Rish Ghatikar from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This standard may play a significant role in the future of residential smart grid.

A significant part of the research in residential building energy flexibility focuses on heating comfort. Based on the keynote from Didier Roux (Vice President, R&D, Saint-Gobain), the conference will host a seminar to discuss buildings, heating comfort and energy flexibility. 

iPower is proud to invite all iPower consortium members as well as the general public to this conference to share knowledge and exchange ideas within the area of Smart Grid in Residential Buildings.


It is possible to register for the full conference or just parts of the event. Please register at

Registration is free, and the conference is open to the public. Please note that a fee of DKK 300 will be charged in case of no-show.


Download program and read more.


Tue 13 May 14 9:00 -
Wed 14 May 14 15:00


AAU Copenhagen
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
DK-2450 København SV
13 MARCH 2025