Seminar Invitation:
Demonstration of the future FLExibility Clearing House – FLECH
April 8th, 2014 in Copenhagen
Registering - please se below
In 2025, more than 50% of Denmark's electricity comes from sustainable energy. The iPower Research and development will honor this ambition by developing an intelligent and flexible energy system that can handle a fluctuating power generation.
A key component in balancing the power demand and production will be to motivate power consumers, commercial as well as residential, to respond to needs for flexibility surfaced by the DSO. This will be achieved by establishing an exchange and marked place for power flexibility -‐ FLECH (FLExibility Clearing House), where DSOs, TSOs, and power consumers virtually meet and buy / sell flexibility.
This seminar follows the introduction of the concept at Energiens Topmøde 2013 (see video),and will give in depth knowledge of the back ground, concept, current solution and perspectives of FLECH. FLECH is being developed in the iPower project by DONG Energy and IBM.
13:30 Welcome
13:40 Introduction to iPower - DTU Elektro – iPower program manager
13:50 IBM in the Smart Grid world - IBM Research
14:15 Introduction of future DSO challenges in Denmark - Dansk Energi
14:30 Coffee
14:45 Introduction of the FLECH solution and first DSO service -
DONG Energy Distribution and DONG Energy Wind Power.
15:00 Demonstration of the FLECH IT solution - IBM Research
15:25 Flexibility challenge Outlook - DONG Energy Wind Power
15:40 Q&A panel
15:50 Wrap-up and closing
About iPower
The iPower Platform develops and matures Smart Grid technologies for the electrical grid, industries and residential applications. The society needs Smart Grid technology to ensure that the electrical grid can absorb all the energy generated by wind and solar renewables. The iPower platform links research, innovation and demonstration to actual product development by specifying technologies, requirements and methods for Smart Grid products. It enables the industry partners to become first movers in a new and growing world market.
iPower is supported with 60 million DKK by the Danish government via SPIR - the Strategic Platform for Innovation and Research. The research and demonstration project has 32 collaborating partners, universities and research institutions as well as industrial companies from various countries.
Department of Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark is coordinating the project and has the overall responsibility that the iPower platform achieves the desired results. The iPower Platform partner group has both volume and breadth to develop and demonstrate solutions that cover all critical aspects of intelligent energy systems with flexible consumption.
Practical info and registration
On behalf of DONG Energy and the iPower project IBM hereby invite you to an afternoon of live demonstrations and presentations of the FLECH prototype platform.
The event will be held on 8th April 2014,
from 13.30 to 16.00 at
IBM in Copenhagen
Nymøllevej 91, Lundtofte,
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Please kindly RSVP no later than April 4th 2014 by registering your free participation here
Should you have any questions
please contact Anders Quitzau,
phone +45 45 23 30 00.
Download the invitation in PDF