Inaugural Lecture and reception / Joachim Holbøll

Inaugural Lecture

Joachim Holbøll was recently appointed Professor of High Voltage Engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering, DTU.

We would therefore like to invite all interested parties to his inaugural lecture:

"High Voltage Research and Polytechnical Educations - Relics of the Past or Future Necessities?"

The rapidly developing electrical energy society towards prosumer based systems and intelligent grids might trigger statements like the one above. The real needs for high voltage research in renewable energy systems and multidsiciplinary engineer profiles in intelligent power grids, however, prove the opposite being the case. The future energy supply will be dominated by electrical systems, where power is generated decentralized and transmitted through flexible grids, without compromising the high Danish security of supply.

In the lecture Joachim Holbøll will illustrate how few, but essential relations describe the role of high voltage engineering towards optimized and sustainable electrical energy systems.

Relevant examples will be given of ongoing high voltage research and its relation to the education of highly skilled polytechnicians at DTU.

The lecture will be held Thursday 23 February 2017 at 3pm
Building 101A, meeting room 1
Anker Engelundsvej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Inaugural Reception

The reception will take place shortly after the lecture, approximately around 3.45pm. 

Joachim Holbøll in HVDC-lab. Photo: Alastair Philip Wiper


Thu 23 Feb 17


Building 101A
Meeting Room 1

DTU Lyngby Campus
Anker Egelundsvej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
19 JANUARY 2025