Sustainability is an important driver for developing high technology solutions with magnets. In Denmark there is a long tradition for producing sustainable energy with wind-turbines and saving energy by using advanced magnetic systems. Within the last decade, we have also worked with reusing the expensive rare earth materials and investigating powerful solutions with superconductive materials. On 2nd and 3rd November The Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen will host a joint UK Magnetics Society / Danish Magnetics Society event where we will focus on Magnetics in a Green future.
Speakers include:
- Adriana Cristina Urda, Siemens Wind Power A/S – Characterisation of Hard Magnetic Material in Direct Drive Wind Turbine
- Nick Ilsø Berg, Aalborg University – Automotive Linear Actuator
- Flemming Buus Bendixen, Sintex A/S – A Magnetic Gear with High Efficiency
- Ben Shepherd, Science and Technology Facilities Council – Zero-Power Tunable Optics Project
- Asger Abrahamsen, DTU Risø, Superconductors for Windturbines
- Maria Sparing, Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper und Werkstoffforschung Dresden – Superconducting Magnetic Bearings
- Martin Sørensen, Teknologisk Institut - The REEgain Project
- and others
Tours of Danfysik and the facilities at DTU Lyngby will be available.
An informal networking dinner will be held on the evening of 2nd November.
To register please visit the event webpage at
Link for more information: