2016 EU - India Smart Grids Workshop at Bornholm

CEE is part of this workshop giving presentations. Please find the draft agenda attached here.

Invitation: The European Commission DG Energy kindly invites you to participate in the 2016 EU – India Smart Grids Workshop that will take place on the island of Bornholm, Denmark (workshop venue http://www.greensolutionhouse.dk/ ), on 1 September 2016. The workshop will be preceded by a welcome buffet dinner on Wednesday 31 August 2016 and followed by an on-site visit on Friday 2 September 2016.

The workshop and site visit are co-organised by the European Commission and the India Smart Grid Forum and hosted by Østkraft, the local distribution system operator. Bornholm is the site of the European Union funded project 'Ecogrid EU', which demonstrated market based mechanisms to give end-users of electricity and distributed renewable energy sources new options (and potential economic benefits) for offering additional balancing and ancillary services to the transmission system operators (http://www.eu-ecogrid.net/). 

You can register for the workshop through the following link http://euindia.onetec.eu/. Shortly after, you will receive a confirmation of your registration. Please be aware that only a limited number of places are available.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: euindia@onetecmail.be .

The importance of EU – India cooperation on smart grids has been underlined in the Joint Declaration on a Clean Energy and Climate Partnership, adopted by the EU and India on the occasion of the visit by India's PM Modi to the European leaders in Brussels on 30 March 2016.

Following previous EU-India smart grids workshops in Nice (June 2015) and Vienna (November 2015), the Bornholm workshop will involve Indian and European policy makers, network operators, regulators and technology providers in interactions on the following themes:

• European and Indian demonstration projects on active demand and storage to promote the integration of renewable electricity
• Regulatory frameworks enabling smart grid applications
• The evolving role of distribution system operators in the context of smart grids
• Upscaling and transferring promising demonstrations in Indian and European contexts.

Looking forward to meeting you in Bornholm!


Wed 31 Aug 16 18:00 -
Fri 02 Sep 16 15:30


T 5695 1913


15 DECEMBER 2024