You are invited for the Mission Innovation-EUDP Workshop: Stock-taking on how demand response is progressing in the EU, with particular focus on Citizen Energy Communities
The Danish Technical University and the Danish Intelligent Energy Alliance (iEnergi) invite you to join this virtual workshop on 22 April 2021 from 10:00 – 15:30. We will take stock on the EU Clean Energy Package (CEP) implementation of the electricity directive and give particular focus to the role of Citizen and Local Energy Communities in the future energy system.
The workshop is part of the activities in the EUDP funded project Mission Innovation - International Smart Grid Technology Collaboration supporting Danish participation in the Smart Grid Innovation Challenge also referred to as the IC#1 where Denmark is co-leading the task on Demand Response. The purpose of the project is, through the strong Danish experience in this field, to impact the international research on Smart Grids thereby influencing which technologies should be part of future sustainable energy systems.
Danish Intelligent Energy Alliance hosted a first workshop in June 2019 looking into demand response developments in the EU including the expectation and wishes for the CEP.
Read more about the workshop and register here.