2 Nissan LEAF delivered to Risø Campus by Nissan representative

Nissan and Endesa join Nikola project

Friday 24 Apr 15


Peter Bach Andersen
Senior Researcher
DTU Wind
+45 45 25 35 24

Electric Vehicle Lab

The Electric Vehicle Lab (EV Lab) has been established to support a wide array of EV integration and technology services. The lab is specialised within two areas:
1. Electric vehicle integration; Covers the electric connection between an electric vehicle and the electrical network to which it connects. This includes smartgrid, interoperability and power measurement studies.
2. Electric vehicle technology: Covers the electric components and technologies important to the operation, performance and cost of the electric vehicle. This includes R&D and equipment testing.

- Electric vehicles
- Electric vehicle charging infrastructure
- Lab space and interfaces
- Metering equipment and databases

- Electric measurements and analysis
- Infrastructure interoperability
- Power and energy services

The 22nd of April Nissan representatives came by DTU Risø with two brand-new Nissan Leafs. The vehicles will be part of the Nikola project that investigates in electric vehicle integration into the power system.

Nissan motors, together with Spanish Endesa, recently announced the first commercially available product for "Vehicle-To-Everything" (V2X). With V2X an electric vehicle can deliver power to the owner where access to the general power grid is not possible or practical. V2X can also strengthen a vehicle's ability to support the power system through ancillary services.

Participation by a car and charging spot OEM is a great contribution to the Nikola project and CEEs research within electric vehicles.

Testing of the new equipment is scheduled for autumn 2015.

Nikola Project

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