Energiforum Danmark has selected EnergyLab Nordhavn as one of three candidates for the annual “Energi- og miljøprisen” awarded every year to a candidate who has achieved substantial results and has increased the public knowledge of energy topics. In the selection the committee has highlighted synergy with the outside world, flexible supply and intelligent control of buildings as well as commitment to developing and demonstrating new solutions.
EnergyLab Nordhavn is very pleased to receive the nomination. The past year several important project milestones have been accomplished and we are proud to receive the recognition from Energyforum Danmark.
“The purpose of the project is to show how the electricity and heating systems, intelligent and energy efficient buildings as well as electric transportation can be integrated and optimized. Doing that will increase the flexibility and allow a much larger share of the energy system to be based on renewables compared to today”, say Christoffer Greisen, Project Manager, EnergyLab Nordhavn.
“The past year we have seen the installation and operation of the firstgrid-integrated batteryin an urban area. Demonstrations of ultra-low temperature district heating where energy for domestic hot water is generated at times when most beneficial for both district heating and electricity system are ongoing and not least the opening of the EnergyHub, a new innovation environment for businesses engaged in sustainable urban development and energy solutions. Receiving this nomination is proof that our commitment to finding the solutions of the future cities is being noticed”, continues Christoffer.
Your vote matters
The winner of the “Energi- og miljøprisen” is announced 6 March at the Energiforum 2018 in Nyborg.
We need your help to win so please spend a few minutes to cast your vote.
To vote click here.