Danish Intelligent Energy Alliance (iEnergi) will host a workshop focusing on the importance of flexibility in the future energy system. The workshop is part of a joint collaboration between iEnergi and Center for Electric Power and Energy (CEE), DTU Elektro who is co-leading the working group on Demand Response under Mission Innovation’s smart grid challenge (MI IC#1).
On 20 June iEnergi invites you to debate EU demand response market development.
Demand-side flexibility in the power systems will be increasing in the forthcoming years driven by two main forces:
RE-expansion from intermittent resources especially wind and solar requires demand response to balance the power system
Significant (re-)investments in transmission and distribution grid are required in the coming decades, to make this expansion cost effective, demand response is required
Danish and international stakeholders with activities within energy flexibility and demand response (business, research, authorities, financial institutions etc.) have been invited to take part in this workshop. There will be a particular EU perspective on how the demand response market development is going forward after the Clean Energy Package (CEP) was finalized.
There will be speakers from all over Europe and the full program can be viewed online here. From Center for Electric Power and Energy Henrik Bindner who is Danish representative in the Mission Innovation Smart Grid Challenge will present the latest results from the working group.
Speakers will share information on:
How much further the Clean Energy Package (CEP) will bring the EU towards a well-functioning flexibility market.
How the implementation of the CEP will enable the active consumers. How do market players engage power consumers (industrial and residential) in their business case on aggregation of demand response.
TSOs and DSOs will drive the flexibility demand, but how may this be facilitated? TSOs and neutral market facilitators like NODES will present how flexibility platforms may work to bring grid operators demand for flexibility together with available flexibility on the demand side.
From a research perspective where are we in the demand response development, based on recent MI-survey. The result from EU research partners in the MI-working group will be shared.
The expected outcome of the workshop is to share insight among participants as to what drives demand response market development in the EU in particular. By taking this opportunity to share experience we hope to inspire Danish as well as other EU developments on demand response activities.
Another second and final workshop will be held in autumn 2020 to conclude on the EUDP-MI-work taking place in 2019-2020 in the MI-demand response track of work. At the second workshop we hope to conclude on EU developments and have a stronger focus on global perspectives.
Participation is free of charge, but there is a no-show-fee of DKK 500.