The EnergyLab Nordhavn project lead by Center for Electric Power and Energy, DTU Elektro has been nominated for the Danish Design Award 2019 in the category 'visionary concepts'.
The jury of Danish Design Award have selected EnergyLab Nordhavn as one of four finalists in the category ‘Visionary Concepts’.
The jury says:
“EnergyLab Nordhavn is a relevant entry in this category since design is also about collaboration and how synergies in pursuit of a common goal can be achieved. Even if the end result is invisible, a design-led approach is invaluable. Energy is so important to the future of the planet that efforts to work collaboratively across energy sectors are a radical approach.”
Danish Design Award demonstrates the value and impact of design in Denmark today and inspires and stimulates the use of design and design thinking in companies and society. More information about the nomination here:
EnergyLab Nordhavn’s work as proposal for a future energy system, across technologies and various stakeholder is interesting towards the focus of the award. Mixed with the living lab approach as Nordhavn is used as a demonstration environment to show how energy and transport can be combined into an intelligent and flexible overall solution.
"In EnergyLab Nordhavn we are proud that that these visualizations and the project design are nominated for this years Danish Design Award. The visualizations are part of our showroom in Nordhavn and help us every day when we explain our take on the complex topics of smart energy to visitors from all over the world, who are looking for inspiration to solve the global energy challenges", says project manager, Christoffer Greisen.
The workshops and visualization was developed by DTU Elektro and KIRT x THOMSEN. The winners of each category will be revealed 13 May 2019 at a large Award Show in Dansk Industri.
We also need your help to win so please spend a few minutes to cast your vote, People’s choice.
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