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Promising first measurements from the EcoGrid EU project

Friday 27 Jun 14


Jacob Østergaard
Professor, Head of Division
DTU Wind
+45 45 25 35 01
The EcoGrid EU project has just released its third newsletter, which includes examples of the first measurements from the smart grid experiment involving 2,000 costumers. Center for Electric Power and Energy at DTU Electrical Engineering has a central role in the project as responsible for development of the architecture and market concept.

Full end-to‐end tests of the entire demonstration set‐up were performed in the first quarter of 2014 in order to remove technical errors and bugs and to fine‐tune for optimal price elasticity. This is especially the case for the completely novel ICT solutions developed for the project. This process is a demanding phase of the project as it involves all server‐based and in-house installed software parts and hardware installations. Installation of advanced meters, collecting data about consumption with five-minute resolution, requires careful management of a large amount of consumption data. The tests also include the function of the web-based customer feedback system, called 'My EcoGrid'. This is the feedback system where the EcoGrid participants (except for the statistical control group) have access to e.g. information about real‐time prices and consumption data.

The newsletter shows examples of the price‐elasticity obtained from a group of automated houses when subjected to test price signal. The details and analysis of the experiments will be revealed in future scientific papers.

To read the full newsletter please see the EcoGrid EU website 

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