The Climate-KIC summer school for talented MSc and PhD students – The Journey
During the five-week summer school, you will get the tools to make an impact on the global effort to adapt to and stop further climate change and become an entrepreneur. You will undergo a vast development; create business ideas related to climate change adaptation and mitigation and leave with a whole new skill- and mind-set to really make a difference.
You will be brought together with other participants from Masters and PhD programs as well as young professionals and other highly motivated entrepreneurial students from all over the world. Each summer school travels to three different European locations, which we will let you know once you have been accepted. Except from the ticket to the first destination, the return ticket and a few meals, the summer school is fully funded.
After attending our summer school you automatically become a member of the Climate-KIC Alumni. Here you will receive access to the other community resources such as entrepreneurship support, research opportunities, and networks with our partners.
ECTS points
The course is nominated to 6 ECTS points.
Dates of the 2014 summer school
Option 1: 6 July - 9 August 2014
Option 2: 3 August - 6 September 2014
The deadline for application is 1 April 2014. Please fill in the application form and return it by e-mail to before 1 April 2014. Don’t forget to include all relevant documents.
Further information
Get more information and apply at
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