IBM student track event - lab

Young talents listen to and discuss smartgrid topics - IEEE-ISGT EU 2013

Thursday 21 Nov 13
As a result of the successful IBM-DTU collaboration, a specially selected group of primarily DTU students attended the IBM/DTU student track event which took place as part of the ISGT Europe conference this year in October at DTU. The event was a mix of young talents listening to and discussing innovative future power grid aspects, catered for in the dynamic backdrop of DTUs power lab and visitor center.

The purpose of the evening on was an opportunity to introduce students to the PowerLabDK smart-grid testlab at DTU, the EcoGrid EU project, and the business case for smart-metering and science of Smarter Energy from IBM's perspective. 

IBM student track - lab 2

IBM presented their vision of a Smarter Planet and gave an overview of Smart Grid related R&D activities across the global labs. Along with two other high-profile employees from IBM Copenhagen, Olle Sundström and Dieter Gantenbein from IBM Research - Zurich sketched their team's projects at the intersection of research and commerce It all started with the Danish EDISON project in 2008, aimed at finding the optimal synergies between the emerging e-mobility and the renewable energies ("charge when the wind blows").

The IBM-DTU partnership continues with the Ecogrid EU project 2011-15 also on Bornholm island as pilot of demand-response from households listening on a 5-minutes TSO market, and the iPower project with a transactional DSO market FLECH in focus, providing innovative concepts for the future power grid.

IBM smart planet strategy


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