A new project just got officially funded and will run between April 2017 and March 2020. The Project is called Across Continents Electric Vehicle Services (ACES) and intends to investigate technical and economic system benefits and impacts by large scale electric vehicles integration in Bornholm.
The Danish Island of Bornholm is a unique environment for testing of smart technologies, as 75% of the produced energy on the island is renewable energy. Additionally, the island is a complete "mini-society" with hospitals, schools, houses, jobs, families, etc., which makes it perfect for full-scale testing and demonstrations.
As part of the ACES project, a full scale penetration scenario of electrical vehicles at Bornholm will be simulated in order to assess how new aggregating functionalities both technically and economically can support a successful integration of electric vehicles into the energy system.The testing will be augmented by real usage patterns, grid data, and field testing for across continents replicability.
It will also initiate a small scale pilot project involving up to 100 privately owned Nissan vehicles and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) chargers for proving that electric vehicles can be used for effectively balancing the system. This small scale pilot will be based on useful insights from the Parker project that “is applying grid-balancing services to a fleet of electric vehicles to demonstrate their potential to support the electricity grid as power resources”.
Although focusing on a Danish context, the analysis will be enhanced by also comparing existing electricity market services in UK and in Japan, taking advantage by the strong collaboration established with the Japanese and UK based research centers of Nissan.
Building on the preceding research efforts, ACES will scale up the technology as to understand and quantify the full impact of the electrical vehicle as a provider of flexibility and critical properties to a power system and its markets.
This implies investigating the electrical vehicles potential in relation to the needs identified in the strategy of the Danish market development, which can be applied to markets beyond the Nordic system.
The ACES project is part of Center for Electric Power and Energy / DTU Elektro's project portfolio.