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25 NOV

The energy islands are our common Mars mission

Denmark’s energy islands are hugely ambitious projects. It will require development and research—so let’s start now.

Energy technology Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy production Wind energy Energy systems
01 NOV

Digital foundation of future energy needed

Contribution i Altinget: Research holds the key to the future of green energy systems, but the national focus needs to be on the digital operating system that will connect...

Energy efficiency Energy storage Energy production Energy technology Energy systems Solar energy Wind energy IT systems
Kilde: Energistyrelsen
29 OCT

Smarte løsninger kan spare milliarder på energiøerne

Indlæg i Altinget: Med nye innovative løsninger kan vi spare mindst 20 milliarder kroner på Danmarks to energiøer. Det svarer til en halv Storebæltsbro.

Energy technology Energy efficiency Electricity supply Energy production Energy systems Wind energy
29 OCT

Digitalt fundament for fremtidens energi nødvendigt

Indlæg i Altinget: Forskningen har løsninger til fremtidens grønne energisystem, men mangler dansk fokus på digitalt styresystem, der skal binde det sammen.

Energy technology Energy systems Energy storage Energy production Energy efficiency IT systems Wind energy Solar energy
27 MAY

Platform for managing smart digital energy systems

Digitalization of our energy systems has increased the need for a better overview of the data and their uses. At the same time, heightened data integrity and cybersecurity...

Energy technology Energy efficiency Energy systems Solar energy Wind energy Energy production
Digital Energy Lab
29 MAR

New unique infrastructure to accelerate development of digital solutions for the...

DTU has entered into collaboration on establishing a new digital infrastructure, which will, among other things, facilitate fast, easy and open access to data to be used...

Energy technology Energy efficiency Energy systems IT systems
green transition
31 JAN

Improved access to data and better frameworks for test and demonstration will...

With the vision of Denmark as a front-runner in the green transition, the Danish Growth Team for sustainable energy and green technology today presented 10 specific recommendations...

Energy technology IT systems Energy efficiency Energy systems
PowerLabDK - Digital Energy Lab
21 DEC

DTU strengthens its position within digital energy

Grant for new digital energy laboratory supports Denmark’s world-leading position within digital solutions for the energy sector.

Energy technology Energy efficiency Energy systems IT systems
02 JUL

DTU Elektro PhD wins Best Paper Award

The World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) has awarded Ha Thi Nguyen from DTU Electrical Engineering's Center for Electric Power and Energy the Best...

Electrotechnology Energy efficiency Energy systems Energy technology
25 JUN

A small community is pushing the agenda for a greener future

In a small community close to Roskilde called Svalin 20 families have decided to live a greener life. All houses and infrastructure in Svalin have been designed to accommodate...

Electrotechnology Energy systems Energy storage Energy production Energy efficiency

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