Part of the popular MSc course is based on so-called gamification for the students to learn some key concepts with a hands-on and fun approach. For instance, an ENSIGHT gaming session was organized in the Glassalen of DTU on 15.2.2016.
ENSIGHT is a board game originally developed by DONG Energy staff members and which is often used by DONG Energy, Energinet, etc. for introducing professionals to electricity markets and the way these are affected by renewable energy and various regulatory measures.
This event was supported by DONG Energy while the game session was led by Prof. Pierre Pinson (DTU Elektro course responsible), Piret Liv Stern Dahl (DTU Climate KIC) and a number of teaching assistants. As intended, playing that game stimulated interesting and animated discussions about new challenges in electricity markets! A number of other games in the form web-based applets are being developed and tested for some of the other topics dealt with in that course.