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Photo: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
27 MAY

DTU Roadrunners rise from the ashes to set new world record

In spite of a burned-out engine compartment two days before race start, DTU Roadrunners managed to set a new world record in fuel efficiency at the recent Shell Eco-marathon...

Construction Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology Electronics Fossil fuels Energy efficiency Energy production
FOTO: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
26 MAY

DTU Roadrunners rejser sig fra asken og sætter ny verdensrekord

På trods af et udbrændt motorrum to dage før løbsstart lykkedes det DTU Roadrunners at sætte ny verdensrekord i at køre længst på literen ved det netop overståede Shell...

Construction Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology Electronics Fossil fuels Energy efficiency Energy production
Foto: Privat
26 MAR

Maritimt samarbejde skal skabe renere skibsfart

Med en ny samarbejdsaftale kan partnerskabet Blue INNOShip gå i gang med at skabe en renere skibsfart.

Ships and offshore constructions Engineering Construction Electrotechnology Chemistry Chemical engineering
Blue INNOShip
04 MAR

Maritimt samarbejde går i gang med 14 projekter

Med en ny samarbejdsaftale kan partnerskabet Blue INNOShip gå i gang med at skabe en renere skibsfart.

Ships and offshore constructions Engineering Construction Electrotechnology Chemistry Chemical engineering
Photo: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
02 MAR

EliteForsk scholarships awarded to researcher talents

Three PhD students from DTU were presented with travel scholarships at the annual EliteForsk Conference. The conference also celebrated the other prize winners from the...

Mathematical analysis Construction materials Bridge constructions Fuel cells
Foto: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
27 FEB

EliteForsk-stipendier uddelt til forskertalenter

Tre ph.d.-studerende fra DTU fik overrakt rejsestipendiater ved den årlige Eliteforsk Konference. Konferencen fejrede desuden de øvrige prismodtagere fra Sapere Aude-programmet...

Mathematical analysis Construction materials Bridge constructions Fuel cells
Photo: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
23 FEB

Young researchers receive millions from the Danish Council for Independent Research

Eight researchers receive a total of DKK 19.6 million to boost their research. The postdoc grants will be allocated to research in the categories ‘Technology and Production...

Materials Lasers Micro and nanotechnology Electronics Optics Health technology Health and diseases Biotechnology Materials technology
Foto: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
20 FEB

Unge forskere modtager millioner fra Det Frie Forskningsråd

Otte forskere modtager i alt 19,6 millioner til at styrke deres forskning. Postdocbevillingerne går til forskning i kategorierne ”Teknologi og Produktion” og ”Sundhed...

Materials Lasers Micro and nanotechnology Electronics Optics Health technology Health and diseases Biotechnology Materials technology
03 NOV

CAMM Centre appoints Associate Professor Vicente Cutanda Henríquez

Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems (CAMM) appoints Associate Professor Vicente Cutanda Henríquez 

Electrotechnology Construction
03 NOV

CAMM Centre employs Associate Professor Niels Aage

Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems (CAMM) appoints Associate Professor Niels Aage.

Electrotechnology Construction

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27 JULY 2024