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Foto: Søren Svendsen
20 MAY

DTU wins European Championship in green driving

DTU Roadrunners took first place in the Shell Eco Marathon on Sunday afternoon with their bioethanol-powered car called Dynamo, covering an impressive 599 km on the equivalent...

Construction Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology Electronics Energy technology Energy efficiency Fossil fuels Energy production Climate change
Foto: Søren Svendsen
19 MAY

DTU vinder EM i grøn bilkørsel

DTU Roadrunners løb søndag eftermiddag af med en flot førsteplads i Shell Eco Marathon. Bioethanol-bilen Dynamo, bygget af DTU-studerende, kørte 599 km på det, der svarer...

Construction Combustion engines Engineering Electrotechnology Electronics Energy technology Energy efficiency Fossil fuels Energy production Climate change
PowerLabDK and Spirae in new Copenhagen Cleantech promotion video
27 NOV

PowerLabDK and Spirae in new Copenhagen Cleantech promotion video

The Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster and the partners supports the mission is to secure continuous growth for cleantech companies by developing new projects and initiatives...

Energy systems Electricity supply Climate change
21 NOV

Milestone for PowerLabDK: Demonstration of Commercial Smart Grid Control Platform

On Friday Nov. 8th the researchers from CEE and Spirae demonstrated a new milestone capability for PowerLabDK: Spirae's BlueFin (R) control platform and their multi-asset...

Electricity supply Energy systems Climate change Solar energy Energy efficiency
ForskEl has selected three promising CEE-projects for funding
18 NOV

ForskEl has selected three promising CEE-projects for funding

The ForskEl program has announced its plan for support in this year’s call. Three out of four selected projects within Smart Grids field originate from Center of Electric...

Electricity supply Climate change Energy systems Solar energy Energy production Energy efficiency
Front cover of EcoGrid EU: From Design to Implementation
30 OCT

New EcoGrid EU report about smartgrid project on Bornholm

 ”New EcoGrid EU report: From Design to Implementation.” report is about the EcoGrid EU project.  A large-scale demonstration of consumer participation in the balancing...

Electricity supply Climate change Energy systems Solar energy Energy production Energy storage Energy efficiency
10 JUN

DTU bringer videnskaben til Folkemødet

Folkemødet på Bornholm vil i år få deltagelse af forskere fra DTU, der vil sætte fokus på bæredygtigt fiskeri, velfærdsteknologi, polare aktiviteter og intelligente energisystemer...

Marine research Climate change Health technology Medical equipment and systems Polar research Earth observation Ice research Energy technology Energy systems
11 OCT

Dansk smart-grid-projekt i top 10

EcoGrid EU på Bornholm er udpeget til at være blandt de ti vigtigste bæredygtige projekter i verden.

Electrotechnology Electricity supply Climate change Energy systems Electronics

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10 DECEMBER 2024