Cost effective wind power systems-Photo: Torben Nielsen

Modern transmission concepts

The electricity grids are changing towards dynamic systems, where utilizing of numerous electrical equipment is a must and is expected to be much better than in the traditional, more static grid. Optimization is a keyword regarding all processes from designing and dimensioning to installing, operation and maintenance of the components at both transmission and distribution level.

CEE research focusses on the interactions of power converters, such as HVDC converters, in a system that has high penetration of renewable sources and very few or zero conventional generation. This will be for example the case of an offshore AC grid in the North Sea (e.g. North Sea Wind Power Hub).

At transmission level, optimized utilization of power equipment is an important approach to minimize capital investment costs. This requires suitable models, which take into consideration all new operational conditions the future grids will be exposed to. This is supported by methods for condition state monitoring which, combined with advanced component models can be implemented and used strategically in the grid. Suitable condition assessment and prediction methods are also required for condition based life time estimation and maintenance strategies, all being essential for ensuring a reliable present and future power grid.

Equipment includes for instance transformers, reactors, cables, overhead lines, switch gear plus interaction between these components in transmission grid. Hybrid systems with a large number of cable and overhead line sections are examples of new challenges in modern power transmission grid. Also wind farm export systems belong to the focus area and the number and size of planned offshore installations confirms the need for tools to conduct the optimization process.

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Selected examples:

multiDC project: Press photo by ABB
How to bring power ashore from the future North Sea Wind Power Hub and efficiently coordinate High Voltage Direct Current Lines.
CEE folder
Demonstrating an electricity market with flexible power consumption in private households.
DTU Electrical Engineering
View full list of research projects.

Joachim Holbøll

Joachim Holbøll
Professor, Head of Studies
DTU Wind
+45 45 25 35 15

Spyros Chatzivasileiadis
Professor, Head of Section
DTU Wind
+45 45 25 56 21