Research projects at CEE-Photo:Torben Nielsen

Research projects

Center for Electric Power and Energy has a still increasing portfolio of EU, Nordic and nationally funded research projects, which are carried out in collaboration with our partners. All projects can be viewed below the selection of our major projects:  

 EnergyLab Nordhavn project - Center for Power and Energy          ecogrid 2.0 logo          Salvage project


                              CITIES project Center for Power and Energy DTU   SuperP2G

Energy Collective   Core research project is dealing with developing an Integrated Energy System

Boss Logo  Embers LogoEriGrid 2.0 Logo

FlexGrid Honor Insulae





Projects rss feed

Renewable Energy EMPOWERing European and InDian communities

Yang, Guangya

Type: Research    |     Project status: Active


Innovative Tools for Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

Yang, Guangya; Ackom, Emmanuel; Nielsen, Per Sieverts; Bergaentzlé, Claire; Monaco, Roberto
External organisations: University of British ColumbiaUniversity of British Columbia

Type: Research    |     Project status: Active


Data-driven Approaches for enhancing resilience of Multi-Energy systems

Wang, Jiawei

Type: Research    |     Project status: Finished


Cyber-Secure Operation of Battery Energy Storage Systems Providing Grid Services

Kharlamova, Nina; Træholt, Chresten; Toghroljerdi, Seyedmostafa Hashemi; Oechtering, Tobias; Scaglione, Anna Examiner: Oechtering, Tobias; Scaglione, Anna

Type: PhD    |     Project status: Finished


Condition monitoring of lithium-ion batteries providing grid services

Zhao, Chunyang; Træholt, Chresten; Andersen, Peter Bach; Toghroljerdi, Seyedmostafa Hashemi; Onori, Simona; Schaltz, Erik Examiner: Onori, Simona; Schaltz, Erik

Type: PhD    |     Project status: Finished


Boosting Cape Verde’s Energy Transition to a Hybrid Power System

Pombo, Daniel

Type: Research    |     Project status: Finished


Multiple Service Provision using Battery Energy Storage in Renewable Energy Systems

Hameed, Zeenat; Jamasb, Tooraj; Træholt, Chresten; Toghroljerdi, Seyedmostafa Hashemi; Zong, Yi; Söder, Lennart Examiner: Jamasb, Tooraj; Söder, Lennart

Type: PhD    |     Project status: Finished
