The future infrastructure relying heavily on variable production and demand must demonstrate a high degree of generic flexibility. Flexibility is reinforced by instating storage within, - and a strong coupling between two or more individual energy systems.
Storage is key to a future robust and resilient energy system whether it materializes itself in the electric power system, the district heating system (thermal system) and the gas and hydrogen system. In the electric power systems, storage covers a wide range of technologies from electrochemical batteries, capacitors to mechanical storages (compressed air, flywheels and pumped hydro). A typical electrical storage is battery electric storage system, BESS. Storage in the district heating network and the gas network is realized in solutions, such as piping, hot water accumulators, high-pressure gas bottles, and in PITs, underground wells and caverns.
A strong coupling between electric power, heat, gas and liquid fuel maybe regarded as a dynamic but time limited buffer, thus a kind of virtual storage solutions. Power-to-gas and power-to-heat, in short P2G, P2H or P2X constitute such solutions. Conversion technologies such as electrolyzers represent a coupling technology. Such technology enables hydrogen generation to help buffer excess electricity production. In particular, it is anticipated that power-to-hydrogen may be the future solution driving development of electro-fuel.
Research at CEE focuses on integrating both storage and energy conversion technologies into the electric power grid. This includes in particular the converter operation & topology, the grid connection, optimal operation of the components (balance of plant), potential hybrid business models for storage solutions (stack services) and coordinated operation with renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power. The aim of the research is to understand a scenario where storage solutions form the backbone of a 100% fossil free multi-domain energy system.
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