PhD project
by Morten Erlandsson Lunow
Date & Time: Wednesday June 17, 2009, 15.00 to 17.30pm
Place: DTU, Building 306, aud. 38
Examiner Associated prof. Arne Hejde Nielsen
commitee Head of the committee, DTU Elektro
Professor Erling Ildstad
NTNU, Trondheim.
PhD, Senior Engineer Henrik Weldingh,
Danish Energy Association
2005 to 2008
Joachim Holbøll DTU Elektro, ELC
Mogens Henriksen DTU Elektro, ELC
Asger Jensen DONG Energy
Joint project between DONG Energy and DTU Elektro, Electric Power Engineering
In the last years, considerable disturbances resulting in power cut have occurred in the power supply systems in several countries. In most cases the power cut has been transboundary - geographically as well as it has affected several companies (legal entities). With the present technical protection systems it was difficult to take measures to avoid production loss and damages as a consequence of the disturbances.
The investigations of the faults have revealed different causes, technical as well as human errors, but a common issue of lately faults is that the actual cause that triggers the final power cut has been present for a long period, from minutes to hours, without any individual or operator being able to foresee the consequences of the actual situation.
Thus there is a demand for development of new systems, perhaps both technical and administra-tive so situations like the previous mentioned could be handled with minimal loss of production and fewest possible damages to the power generating facilities in the future.
Based on this, DONG Energy has initiated and supports the present project and the work is partly funded by Tranes Fond.
Aim of project:
The aim of this project is to investigate the impacts which power generating plants including wind turbines can be exposed to during transient influences, to categorize these information, to evaluate the consequence and in the light hereof to conduct a risk analysis for the plants.
Proposals for improved reliability of power generating plants based on this analysis will be prepared.
The following main elements form a part of the project.
- Detection, categorizing and analysis of transients occurring in the Danish grid, including evaluation of the influence of the changing electric power generation. Part of this will be to investigate actual faults in electric power generating plants or power transmission systems and normally occurring operational events, e.g. coupling with breakers, coupling or disconnecting of large consumers and influence of power electronics, which can generate overvoltages.
- Investigation of the influence of the fast changes in power generation that can arise, partly from the growing installed wind power and decentralized power production in the power system of today and partly from the liberalization of the energy market.
- Risk analysis for some chosen plants based on the identified influences.
- Proposals for improved reliability:
- Evaluation of how the existing standards cover the influences in mention and thus expose possible deficiencies.
- Review and evaluation of the interaction between network protection and plant protection.
Different scenarios on the basis of the above mentioned will be set up as background for proposals to how the future requirement specifications for components and plant protection can be worked out, with a view to avoid damaging impacts without on the other hand reducing the reliability.
These scenarios will be set up with the main emphasis on the plant protection, but should also treat problems relevant for specification of large wind farms, as well in relation to purchase of these as in relation to their implementation in the grid.
M. E. Lunow received his M.SC.E.E. degree from the Technical University of Denmark in 2001. In his master thesis the focus was on the electrical properties of polymer HVDC cable insulation. His main interest is transients in electrical power producing systems. At present he is working towards a Ph.D. degree, while also employed by the Danish production and energy trading company, DONG Energy.

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