PhD project
by Shi You
Download PhD thesis
PhD defence
Date & time:
Thursday 24th of February 2011 at 13.00
DTU Elektro, Building 306, Auditorium 31
Associate professor Claus Nygaard Rasmussen, DTU
Professor Willett Kempton, University of Delaware
Manager, Ph.D. Tommy Mølbak, DONG Energy
Associate professor Bogi Bech Jensen, DTU
In connection with the PhD defence a PowerEvent will take place from 10:00-11:45 the same day.
October 2007 to March 2011
Associate Professor Chresten Træholdt
CET, DTU Electrical Engineering
Associate Professor Bjarne Poulsen
DTU Informatics
Project description
The goal of the project is to develop, test, validate and evaluate a novel control architecture for optimized operation and seamless integration of micro CHP based on a generic virtual plant (VPP) concept. Emphasis will be put on development of a generic and general applicable concept based on price signals, which is independent of technology, vendor etc. This will facilitate the exploitation of the potential for widespread use the micro CHP technology. Furthermore it will ensure that future micro CHP units can be developed so they are compatible and designed for the needs for control and integration in the power system.
The technology developed within the project will be tested in the laboratory with at least 3 micro CHP units based on different fuels and technologies.
Apart from market-based control strategies the project will also take into account future control strategies that enable the VPP to act as a provider of ancillary services like fast reserves, fault ride-through capability and reactive power support and voltage support which improve the possibility of increased integration of renewable energy sources and distributed generation in the electric power system.
This project has an attractive business perspective for both CHP manufactures and transmission system operators. It supports Danish companies in the energy industry in developing new opportunities and products, simultaneously, it provides solutions that can assist the TSO to maintain a secure and reliable electric power system and facilitate an efficient and well-functioning electricity market.
Further information
• ORBIT database
2007-10-03 SY