As opposed to the hourly spot-price market of today, the proposed real-time market of the EcoGrid EU project will see price updates as oft en as every couple of minutes. To allow the individual resources to react to these changes independently, so called “smart controllers” are needed. In order for this market to work, however, the proper ICT platform has to be developed.
The focus of this PhD project is on the ICT platform required for successful EV integration, not only into the existing market platforms but with special emphasis on the proposed real-time markets of the future. As the move is made towards even more distributed energy resources, existing standards will have to be refi ned and new ones developed, in order to allow electric vehicles to participate directly in these markets.
Results obtained during the PhD project, contribute to the EDISON project, the experiences gained will beapplied in the EcoGridEU project, where the main focus will be.
Project co-funded by EcoGridEU and the Thrane Foundation I To be completed: 2014