Investigating the Feasibility of Direct Drive Wind Turbine Generator Topologies that are Independent of Rare Earth Elements


PhD programme

DONG logoby Matthew Lee Henriksen
study no s091337

Sept 2011 - Sept 2014 

Bogi Bech Jensen, CEE, DTU Electrical Engineering

External supervisor
Karsten Kabel, DONG Energy

Wind turbine technology is currently characterized by a shift toward large machines which use fully-rated power converters to decouple the generator from the power grid. Furthermore, synchronous generators using permanent magnets have become the popular choice, and there is also a trend to use direct-drive machines. Direct-drive wind turbines require massive generators, and if permanent magnets are employed the consumption of rare earth metals is extreme compared to other solutions. In light of the recent price volatility and supply concerns associated with rare earth metals, this PhD projects investigates the alternatives to this current trend in wind turbine technology. The aim is to use analytical methods and finite element analysis in order to consider possible ’rare earth free’ machine topologies in megawatt-class wind turbines. A small scale prototype of the best solution is then to be constructed in order to prove the concept.

Further information
• ORBIT database

2012 February, mlh
7 MARCH 2025