The change from centralized energy production in large power plants to energy systems with an increasing share of distributed energy resources and asynchronous production requires technologies for implementing responsive demand to network contingencies. In this context, users’ adaptation in future energy systems is a promising technology which this research project is focused on.
This project strives at investigating strategies for direct control of devices at customer side, via probabilistic approaches, dynamic optimization, game theory and run-time scheduling. The design of a system for smart home energy management includes the definition of models for appliances, tenants’ behavior and quality of service. The integration and harmonization of different control policies within the same framework are among the most interesting theoretical challenges related to this project.
The available setup in SYSLAB and Power FlexHouses allows implementing and testing controllers for residential Demand/Response, including interfaces for smart appliances.
Project co-funded by Danish Strategic Platform for Innovation and Research I To be completed: 2015