Transient conditions and protection in HVDC off shore grids

Development and deployment of renewable energy sources to meet the new limitations of fossil fuels as an energy resource also includes a large growth in the number of off shore wind farms. With an increasing distance to shore, connecting by means of traditional AC-transmission lines becomes proportionally more infeasible. HVDC-based transmission technologies are therefore getting attractive as an alternative wind power transmission system.

One of the important aspects to be considered in connection with HVDC transmission systems is the transient behavior. This covers both normal operation and transients that can occur in fault situations. Since all components involved will have influence on the creation of possible over-voltages and over-currents, usually high frequency models are necessary, which for the case of HVDC also includes the converters. The identification of critical situations is followed by consideration of protective measures, again with focus on the consequences of these measures to the transient behavior of the off shore grid.

This project will hopefully give an increased understanding of the challenges arising in the near future due to the rapid increase of converter stations deployed in the transmission system.

Project co-funded by  I  To be completed in 2015

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5 MARCH 2025