PhD project (Industrial Research)
by Kim Høj Jensen
September 10th, 2002
Project period:
June 1999 - May 2002
ELTEK: Ole Tønnesen
NESA: Karin Lomholdt
NKT: Manfred Däumling
Project description:
The scientific goal of this research project is to contribute to the understanding of the transient conditions in a superconducting cable and the influence the superconducting cable has on the electric grid during a transient over current.
The transient conditions such as heating due to quenching of the superconductor will be modelled by mathematics models and investigated in the laboratory, by different experiments.
The scientific understanding of the superconducting cables transient conditions will be used to further develop the superconducting cable and tapes and there by secure the superconducting cable against over currents.
The superconducting cables short-circuit properties can be improved by increasing the heat capacity of the system or lowering the short-circuit energy developed. Increasing the conductor area can increase the heat capacity. The short-circuit energy developed in the conductor can be lowered by lowering the short-circuit current.
The industrial research project is carried out by NESA, Department of Electric Power Engineering and NKT.
To day there is assembled a workgroup that is working on the problems concerning the introduction of superconducting cables in the Danish power grid. The workgroup consists of people from NESA, KE, DEFU and ELTEK.
Some of the work carried out in the group is investigation of the critical cable length as a function of the voltage level, short-circuit protection and optimisation of the cable inductans to insure optimal load flow.
Further information
• ORBIT database